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Block T

  • Miasto: Dublin
  • County/wojewodztwo: County Dublin
  • Państwo: Irlandia
  • Zip/Postal Code: 8
  • Opublikowany: Październik 30, 2015 6:04 pm
  • Wygasa: Ogłoszenie wygasło


BLOCK T is an independent artistic entreprise and one stop shop for all things creative, based in Smithfield, Dublin 7 since 2010.

From our modest beginnings in Tully’s Tiles warehouse with only 12 artist studios, it has grown into a 26,000 square ft studio and workshop space with Hotdesks, Classrooms, Photography Darkroom, Meeting Rooms and over 70 creative studio spaces that currently house over 120 Members.

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ilość wszystkich wyświetleń: 2662, dzisiaj: 2


Listing ID: 1395633b08c75203

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